Monday, July 28, 2014

This and that

Hi everyone,

It's been a busy month. I've been preparing for a tower raising in the next couple weeks. 

I did manage to make it to the Portage Hamfair. The crowd was respectable considering we were under a threat of rain. This no doubt caused some to cancel their travel plans. The members of the Portage ARC were friendly as always. Even the food crew came by to see if the vendors wanted anything. How's that for service?

This was my first Hamfest as ACC. It was great meeting and talking to all the great folks who came out. I'll look forward to seeing everyone at Warren in a few weeks.  

I've been getting some newsletters, but I know there are more out there. Here's some highlights gleaned from the newsletters I have received recently:

According to the Monday Morning Memo, The Scioto Valley ARC recently hosted Bob Mathews, K8TQK. and his weak VHF/UHF Signal program. I've not seen Bob's program yet, but I hear that it's a must see.

From August 2-9 the Scioto Valley ARC will activate W8BAP from the Ross County Fair each dauy from noon to 2 PM. Listen on 7.250, and 3.860.

I received an e-mail from the Akron University ARC. They are planning to operate W8UPD as Maritime Mobile from the Portage Lakes in NE Ohio on September 6th.

Our ASM for SE Ohio, Conny, N8IO was scheduled to speak recently at the Southern Ohio ARA. Remember, the Ohio Section Cabinet serves as a speakers' bureau.

The Clinton County ARA is making plans to move their 440 machine to a new tower.

Did you make it to the ARRL Centennial convention in Hartford? if so, you may have seen the president of one of our OH section clubs giving a talk on "Building a Successful Club Program". This was none other tha, Tom, WB8LCD. You can read more about his trip to Hartford in the Radiogram, the PCARS newsletter, at

Speaking of PCARS, they recently held their club picnic. The activity for the day was a spud gun contest. The participants were shooting for accuracy. There's another great club activity, but outdoors only, please! :-)

Well, that's about it for now. Hope everyone has a great remainder of the summer. 

73 de John, KD8MQ

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